Smart Grid Observer

Sentient Energy Partners With Top Tier Utility To Test Underground Grid Sensors
February 6, 2019    |   back to news

Sentient Energy, Inc., a leading provider of advanced grid monitoring and analytics for electric utilities, is pleased to announce that it has entered into an agreement with Exelon's utility companies to help develop and test its new UM3+ intelligent line monitor designed for underground deployment.

"Sentient has been developing the UM3+ for nearly three years. Working with Exelon provides the necessary utility leadership and insights to enable Sentient to demonstrate the value of the UM3+ to manage underground network," said James Keener, CEO, Sentient Energy.

Sentient's UM3+ and grid analytics solution enables utilities to improve SAIDI and SAIFI across their padmount, manhole and vault infrastructure. The UM3+ will not only detect and locate faults, it will also provide insights into pre-fault conditions on the network for corrective action.

"The safety and reliability of our systems is our priority and the intelligent sensors and analytics contribute to our performance strategy," said Jim Crane, Director Innovations & Solutions, of Exelon Utilities.

Sentient UM3+ is the first intelligent distribution grid monitor designed for underground deployment. Sentient's UM3+ extends to underground circuits the capabilities of Sentient's Ample Software, and MM3 and ZM1 overhead line monitors to detect, capture, analyze and communicate faults and non-fault disturbances over both AMI/DA mesh and cellular networks. Sentient Energy's Grid Analytics System consists of intelligent sensors, distributed apps, and the Ample Analytics software suite.

Source: Sentient Energy